BTECH’s newest release of its industry leading Battery Validation Management Software (BVM) includes powerful new battery management features and capabilities that bring valuable benefits to end users.
The growing number of users who depend on the BVM Software to manage battery systems used in various business critical applications such as data-center operations, communication servers, switch-gear equipment, and emergency generators will find this software release especially useful.
The graphs in the software have been re-written and include additional capabilities to speed the the analysis of battery systems and make it easy to spot deteriorating battery units. The graphs can now be split into multiple panes to allow the viewing of multiple measurements. The ability to compare different measurements enables end users to quickly confirm alarm failure patterns or identify root cause “cause and effect” alarm criteria.

This release now has the capability of generating Unit Trend Graphs which display of all the units in a string or system. Unit Discharge Graphs are also capable of displaying the discharge voltages and temperatures of all the units in a string or the system on one graph.

This capability is also available for graphs which display the string voltage and currents.

BVM’s comprehensive Analysis Report has also been expanded to include the overall quantity of units (batteries) that are out of warranty in the entire system. Other improvements to the Analysis Report help end users with replacement budget planning include a listing of all replaced units, the date replaced, alarm notification aging and the average age calculation of all units in each string and system.
Historical aging information made available by this new capability can help management with planning service expense budgets as well as projecting future capital budgets for replacement of entire battery systems.

From a unit trend graph, a unit can be clicked on and marked as replaced with the initial impedance, the installation date, manufacture date, and warranty expiration set along with a note added to the measurement all from one window. This replaces a multi-step process involving multiple windows in previous versions of the BVM software.

There are many other smaller BVM updates that have been made to the software in this release along with bug fixes. Contact BTECH at 973-983-1120, email, or fill out this form to obtain a quote to upgrade your existing BVM software.